Wednesday, April 08, 2015

SMP 4.8.15

SMP = Seven Minute Post

Good morning, blog friends.
It's been awhile since I've checked in here. I've been enjoying life. I'll have to do a "ketchup" (aka catch-up) post soon because we've had a lot of life to enjoy lately.

I realized the other evening that Will's graduation is about seven weeks away. Gulp. This is getting real. I'm both happy and sad but mostly I'm just so proud of him and excited to celebrate this milestone in his life.

Graduation means that summer is getting close also. I am SO ready for summer! I've been hiking a lot lately and am excited to get out and do more this summer. I'm also excited about some family plans and probably looking forward to the laid-back pace of summer days more than anything. Summer is my favorite!

Here's a photo from my hike last Friday. That is April snow and it's beautiful. Sunshine and warm temps have been more prevalent than snow this spring and I'm grateful for that.
Happy Wednesday, friends. Hope your day is a beautiful one.

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