This is the last ornament post, I promise! I'll save some for next year. It HAS been a good way to jump start that scrapbook project I want to make someday, though, so thank you for bearing with me!

These two ornaments are among my most favorite. They came as a set and were given to me by my good friend and next-door-neighbor in Arkadelphia. Her son was close in age to Will and Sarah, and he was over playing one day, and two-year-old Sarah put her blanket on her head (like Mary), picked up her baby doll (Jesus) and said, "Hey, P, you wanna be Jofus?" My friend and I cracked up (and of course I took a picture). They were
so adorable. Watching the Charlie Brown Christmas special is one of our family traditions during the Christmas season. I love the end of the show when Linus recites the passage from Luke 2 about Jesus' birth and tells Charlie Brown
THAT is what Christmas is all about--the birth of our Savior. That makes this ornament all the more special to me!

John and I took a trip to Mississippi one spring and visited Oxford, Vicksburg, and Natchez. We didn't have children at the time (found out we were expecting Will about 2 months later!) and we enjoyed touring some antebellum homes and staying in some beautiful B&B's. We bought this ornament in Natchez as a trip souvenir.

John brought this duck ornament back from a science trip he took to Memphis, TN as a senior at OBU. It's from the Peabody Hotel there. The Peabody is famous for the ducks that march through the lobby each day on a red carpet. Fun!

My mom gave me this ornament in 1990, the year we got married. It's a bride made from a wooden clothespin. My kids know that I'm the only one who gets to hang this ornament on our tree each year. It's very precious to me.

My nana made this ornament for me in 1977. One of my most favorite childhood memories was spending Friday nights at my nana's house. We'd usually go to Long John Silvers for dinner, then go back to her house and make cookies or do some kind of art project. She loved making things with clay, and this ornament is one of her creations. I love that her initials are engraved on the back along with the date
in her handwriting. I was extremely close to my nana. I treasure all of the things I have that belonged to her or that she made for me.

The Christmas before we were married, John bought a miniature Christmas tree for his apartment, and I went with him one afternoon to buy some stuff to decorate it. We bought four blue and white porcelain ornaments at Dillard's in Park Plaza mall. We thought they were beautiful then, and they are still some of our favorites!

The cowboy boots! We have so many western-themed ornaments. I probably have enough to decorate an entire tree with them. I think these are so fun, and the spurs are actually pretty sharp!

This Razorback ornament is O-L-D! See, it has the (very) old Razorback logo. I know that John and I have been hanging it on our own Christmas tree for 17 years, and there is no telling how many years it hung on my family tree before it became mine. I *always* try to hang it in the very front of our tree! Woo pig sooie!

Jemima Puddleduck represents the year that Will was born. I love Beatrix Potter stuff, and this ornament is adorable. The kids and I watched the movie Miss Potter one weekend when John was out of town. If you haven't seen it, it is a great family movie. We loved it, and it made me love and appreciate her books and art even more!

This one is for Jenn! See...I have one too! Again, a gift from my nana in 1976. You can't see it but my name is engraved on the front, and the year is engraved on the back.
My children receive an ornament (or two) from each of their grandmothers every year. I
try to write the year somewhere on it before it gets packed away and I forget. I hope when they get married one day to be able to give them all of their ornaments (as my mom and John's mom did for us) so that they will be able to unwrap them and let their Christmas tree tell it's own unique story.