Over Christmas break, I finished The Martian, Fates and Furies, The Immortal Nicholas, Rising Strong, and I started H is for Hawk, but sadly did not finish. I was very happy to read for pleasure during those 2.5 weeks.
Current Color(s): Red! I got a red, plaid flannel for Christmas that I love. Also found a great red sweater that is so soft and comfy. Most of my house has pops of red and I've realized red just makes me happy.
Current Food: I cannot get enough roasted broccoli. I hated broccoli until I discovered roasted broccoli and now, I roast a batch almost every day. So delicious. The only downside is that it makes my house smell like...broccoli...and my family lets me know that it smells bad.
Current Favorite Favorite: I've got a few to share.
I've been using this coconut argan oil on my face in place of my regular moisturizer. It's ah-mazing! It absorbs quickly and doesn't feel heavy or greasy plus it smells great. My face gets so dry in the winter and this oil has made a big difference in keeping it moisturized. I'm also loving this hand cream! I got it in my stocking for Christmas, probably because I left my family a LOT of hints. I found both at my local health food store.
I'm also digging essential oils + my diffuser. I felt like I was getting sick last weekend and I put some Thieves oil on my tongue (tastes horrid) and within an hour my symptoms were completely gone and never came back.
I'm LOVING this January scripture writing plan and I LOVE writing with these pens. They are the only kind of pens I buy. I'm *very* particular about my pens.
Current Addiction: LaCroix grapefruit carbonated water.
Current Wish List: I really really really want a pair of snowshoes. I've said this for years but I always talk myself out of buying them. They've been bumped to the top of my list again.
Current Need: I need to make some serious progress with my next BioChem assignment over the weekend.
Current Randomness: I discovered a new hiking trail a couple of weeks ago and I'm smitten. I love that it's close to my house, gets my heart rate up, and has gorgeous views in every direction. I went this morning with some friends and it was very cold, but so beautiful!

Current Triumph: I'm on track with my 2016 goals--at least with the ones you can measure.
Current Annoyance: I really hate washing/drying/fixing my hair. I've been pushing the limits of how long I can go without washing it lately. I have super thick hair (a blessing, I know) but it takes so long to blow dry it and then I still have to fix it. I've been rocking different hats this week.
This red (red! favorite color!) one I bought a few years ago is still my favorite.
Current Blessing: My husband. He's been so supportive of me going back to school. He's picked up a TON of my slack around here--laundry, grocery shopping, etc--and I am so grateful.
Current Mood: Sad. Will flies back to Arkansas in the morning. It was so nice having him home for Christmas break. Dreading having to re-adjust to it just being four of us again.
Current Excitement: I'm going to Austin in a few weeks for the IF: Gathering. A few friends from church scored tickets and we are SO excited to be there in person this year.
Current Plans For The
I'm doing the January scripture writing plan, too! I only wish my handwriting was as neat as yours! :)
I am LOVING snow shoeing!!! I really didn't think I would like it, but went the first time b/c my neighbor asked me and I wanted to get to know her better.....and I had SO MUCH fun! They will be on the top of my birthday list next year for sure, but for now I am thankful for friends that let me borrow theirs!!!
In the winter, with our wood stove going all the time, I tend to get a post nasal drip at night and feel so stuffy in the morning. I have been using RC on the bottom of my feet before I go to bed and then when I wake up....does wonders!!
By the way, you have beautiful handwriting! :)
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