Saturday, August 30, 2008

Por favor?

I need a favor, friends.

Can you see my Life at 7000 Feet header when you open my blog?

I can't see it, and several of you can't either.

I'm really trying to pinpoint the problem so I can fix it, and I need your help!

Will you leave me a comment and let me know if it's showing up for you? I also need to know what browser you're using. Example: "Hey, Mer, all I see is a bunch of white space, and I'm using Sarari", or "Yep, your very fun design pops up when I visit your blog, and I use Internet Explorer in Windows Vista".

Thanks in advance. I appreciate your help!


Jacquie said...

I see the header from Internet Explorer. White space with Firefox. I have Windows Vista.

Hope you get it worked out!

Anonymous said...

Looks perfect to me.....Mozilla Firefox with Windows XP.

Casey said...

I see nothing-- Firefox, on Mac OS X.

His Girl said...

I see it! firefox with XP

Anonymous said...

Looks good in Arkansas using internet explorer with XP

Barb said...

I see it just fine, Mer, with Internet Explorer and Windows XP.

Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...

I already told you this in an email but hey! I'll tell you again!

Nothing. I have the latest version of firefox on Mac OS X. I could see it on the last version of firefox, same computer.

So weird! I still haven't pinpointed my wallpaper problem but I think most people can see it so I may just have to ignore it for now.

Kristin said...

Lookin' good on Internet Explorer! :)

Kelly @ Love Well said...

I see it on Firefox -- but I haven't upgraded to thew new version yet. (Wonder if that has something to do with it?) I've been ignoring their attempts to upgrade me all week, since it would invalidate my Google search bar.

I have PC, running Windows XP Professional.

Kecia said...

I see dead people. I mean white space. And I too am in Arkansas with Internet Explorer. Provided by verizon. Hope that helps?

Anonymous said...

I see pretty trees and the title of your blog and the whole sh'bang.


Holly said...

I see it with internet explorer!

Let's meet up for lunch again soon, OK?

leigh said...

I can see your most lovely header and I'm using windows internet explorer.

Jenn said...

I can see your whole blog just fine. I use Internet Explorer with Windows XP. Sorry you are having problems - hope you can figure it out.

Have a great Saturday. :o)

Linds said...

I can see it with IE and Vista!(All the way from the UK!)

Angie said...

I see white.... with Safari. And I like your new profile pic. Very cute.

Becky said...

I see everything fine using Internet Explorer and Windows XP.

I also like your new pic.

PandaMom said...

I only check in every now and then, but with Safari (Mac) I only see white...but I still find joy in your blog! ; )

Teri H said...

I see it and I'm using Firefox and XP...

Deidre said...

I do see the header - through IE with Windows Vista

Diane@Diane's Place said...

I have the newest version of Firefox. I could see the header before I updated to the newest version, now it's just a white space where the header should be.

I also have Win. XP, but I really think it's the new version of Firefox that's the issue. But I could be wrong, it has happened before, LOL!

Happy Labor Day weekend! :o)

Love and hugs,


Unknown said...

I have the new mozilla & see nothing, so I agree w/ diane.

re: facebook, I don't really do much with it unless I get a friend's request or msg or something. It is a great way to keep up w/ old friends (& new! like you!)

Gretchen said...

I see you loud and clear. :0)

Window XP

Joanne : The Simple Wife said...

I have NEVER been able to see your header on my Mac/Safari, but I can on Firefox. Alas, I hate Firefox.


Tiffani said...

Yep, I can see your super cute header...I'm a Vista user in Internet Explorer...hope you figure it out!!

Amber said...

Can't see it on Internet Explorer. Used to be able to, but can't now. Probably been a week that's it's been off.

You're super tech-y if you can get that all figured out! I'd be clueless!

Amber said...

Sorry...I didn't mention that it is Internet Explore in XP.

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

You probably have the gist of it now, but thought I'd add my two cents :) Windows Vista running Firefox 3 and I only see white space, not your pretty header :(

Cindy said...

Love your header. I can see it using Explorer on Windows Vista. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Looks good to me with IE/Windows Vista.

Michele said...

"Yep, your very fun design pops up when I visit your blog, and I use Internet Explorer in Windows Vista".

Betsy said...

I can see it with Internet Explorer!

Leah Belle said...

everything's here....firefox

Elizabeth said...

I cannot see it, and I'm using Internet Explorer. I love your new profile picture, though.

Puva said...

Can't see the header. I'm using Mozilla Firefox on Windows Vista.

Leigh Ann said...

Yep, your very fun design pops up when I visit your blog, and I use Firefox in XP. :)

Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...

So you got your picture changed, glitch free! :)

Brenda said...

Hi Mer, I see it fine. I'm using Internet Explorer. Hope you have it fixed by now or soon!
God bless,

Heather said...

Hi Mer! I am glad you're back! I see your header just fine- I use windows XP.
Love ya!

Julie said...

I can't see it on Safari on Mac...

I can see it on Firefox on Mac

Stephanie @ My Answered Prayer said...

I can see it and I have Firefox.

Anonymous said...

Good new picture. The other one didn't look like you

Amber said...

Now I can see your header just fine.

Puva said...

I can see the header now! It's nice!

Fran said...

I have IE on Windows Vista and I see it all! :)

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful! IE on Windows Vista!

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

What Kelly said: "I see it on Firefox -- but I haven't upgraded to thew new version yet. (Wonder if that has something to do with it?) I've been ignoring their attempts to upgrade me all week, since it would invalidate my Google search bar.

I have PC, running Windows XP Professional."

I copied/pasted, you know, just in case you don't memorize all of your comments. ;)

Dee Dee said...

don't know if you still need this, but I can see it, and I'm using Internet Explorer on Vista