I broke my favorite mug on Saturday. I was getting ready to go somewhere, and I brought my chai into the bathroom with me while I got ready. Somehow my hairdryer cord got wrapped around the mug and I accidentally pulled it off the counter. It hit the tile floor and instantly broke into 4 pieces.

I cried. I cried a lot actually.
Silly, maybe, but I
loved that mug. I looked forward to drinking my chai from it every single day. I swear it tasted better out of that mug than any other one in my house.
I'm still a little blue about it, and I know I'll be sad all over again in the morning.
OH Mer!
I am so sorry! I know exactly how feel as I dropped my favorite mug on our tile floor about a month ago! I shattered it at 5:30 am! So I had to sweep the kitchen in the dark, without the benefit of caffeine in my system!
I will totally be thinking of you in the early morning tomorrow when i drink my coffee. I will carry your "broken chai mug" burden with you!
Oh no! I'm so sorry Mer ~ what a terrible loss! (I'm not being sarcastice or facetious ~ I truly do feel for you.)
I am so sorry about your mug. I even searched ebay to see if they had another, but no luck. boo hoo
Oh no! And it was an AR mug, too!! = ) Must be why it was such a great mug. = ) I hope you find a favorite replacement soon.
I am sorry about the mug. I hate it when that happens!!!
I remember you telling me that you have a favorite brand of chai. What is it? I love chai and always want to know a good tried and true brand.
Man, I hate it when that happens. :(
I hope you find something you love to use--never to take its place, but to take its space.
NOT the AR mug!!!! I wonder if I could find one like it to replace it for you???? How long have you had it?
Can I send you one of my husband's mugs? He's a potter. And, how cool, we just got back from an overnight in God's beautiful creation and talked about some things God's working in our lives related to...MUGS! (well, cups, actually). Anyway, send me your address via email so I can bless you. ;)
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