Lately though I've been inspired by some of my crafty friends, and this afternoon I went to the basement and retrieved my *new and still in the box* sewing machine.
I got this sewing machine for Christmas back in 2001. The reason I know that is because I pulled out my scrapbooks this evening and looked through all the Christmas pages until I found the year that I received this lovely gift. I'm meticulous about journaling, and many a mystery has been solved by looking back through our albums.
Anyway, would you believe that I have NEVER used this sewing machine? Not once.
However, it has been used, twice in fact, just not by me.
John used it once to make a kilt. You heard me correctly. John made a kilt. When we lived in Arkadelphia, one of our favorite 5K races was the Dam Nite Run at Lake DeGray. It was a downhill race over the DeGray dam. It's always at the end of July, and it is always at night, and it is always hotter than hot. One year, he challenged all the men in our Sunday school group to run it together. Then he upped the ante and challenged them all to run in kilts. As Team Braveheart. And then one of the men MADE HIS OWN KILT and challenged the other men to do the same, so they had a little sewing nite and used a pattern to make their man skirts. And they ran in them proudly that night despite the very strange looks they received. Unfortunately for you all, my scanner isn't working and so I can't produce photographic evidence for you. You'll have to trust me that it was a sight to behold.
My mother-in-law used my sewing machine once when she was here to help us make a partition for our basement. And she tried another time to help me make some curtains, but we couldn't get it threaded or something, so it's been in the box ever since...until today.
I pulled it out this afternoon because I am determined to teach myself to sew. I want to make some placemats for my round table (because rectanglular ones just don't work) and I saw a cute idea this week on another girl's blog. And I want to make a shower curtain for my bathroom. I took home economics in 7th grade and I really believe I can do this. Don't ask me how many years it's been since 7th grade...but if I figured it out as a 13-year-old, then certainly I can figure it out now.
Sarah and Abbey were fascinated with the sewing machine and with my determination. I got the bobbin wound and the machine threaded and practiced some stitching on some felt squares the girls had in their craft drawer. They were mesmerized and dreaming out loud about all the things they wanted me to make.
So tomorrow at some point, I'm hoping to actually purchase some fabric and play around until I feel confident that I can tackle a project without totally screwing it up. Stay tuned...I'm hoping to finish those placemats before the weekend.
Start with the basics and sewing is honestly not that difficult, Mer. Just start with the straight stitch to begin with and don't get into any of the fancy stuff until you're confident you've mastered the basics.
Your library should have some good books to get you started if you need a refresher. Usually threading the machine and filling the bobbin is the hardest part, so it sounds like you have the worst of it whipped.
Good luck, and be sure to show us the pictures of the finished products!
Love and hugs,
Hats off to you, Mer. I've never been a seamstress but at 62 yrs my biggest challenge is threading the machine as I just can't see the darn eye. Your post reminded me I want to get some glasses to put over mine or invest in a new pair of bifocals with the line rather than transistionals. Thanks for the reminder...
Can't wait to see the finished product.
I got a brand new sewing machine in 2003. It had never been used, even the sample material was still in place. When we moved in Oct 2005, the sewing machine, complete with it's carry box were loaded into the truck...and I never saw it again. I took that as God's way of saying, "You never used it, Holly. Now let someone else have a try." So whether it was stolen or just misplaced, I felt like it found a new and better home :)
Praying for your good intentions to turn into some pretty placemats!
You go, girl! I was given a sewing machine from my mother-in-law a couple years ago. I really want to like sewing, but I don't have much patience for it. I have lots of things I'd like to make. Maybe your post will help motivate me?!
Oh, Meredith, I'm so impressed! I'm so not crafty. I've tried scrapbooking and while I love it, it does exasperate me because I really am not that good at it! Sewing is totally beyond me. I can barely tighten up a button on a shirt with a needle and thread. I'd be too afraid to try a "real" sewing machine, afraid I'd stitch my thumb or finger or something and end up in the ER :) I'm so impressed you are learning and teaching yourself!
Funny story on the kilts - I bet they looked awesome as Team Braveheart! :)
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