:::I've been a total laundry slacker lately. If it weren't for my husband, I'm afraid we'd have no clean clothes to wear. Zip, zilch, nada. John is responsible for 98% of all the laundry that has been done lately. Thank you, J.
:::Because of my extreme laziness in the laundry room, I had to get creative and "make" a short sleeve white t-shirt to wear under a sweater last week (both of my others were dirty!!!) I cut the sleeves off of one of my long-sleeved tees. The result? Jagged, uneven sleeves that are oh-so UNclassy, and yet perfect because they are unseen when worn under a sweater. In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have tried to cut the sleeves AND talk on the phone at the same time.
:::Last night at Bunco, I dropped a jellybean on the floor. My friend, picked it up and we laughed before deciding to put it back in the bowl with the others. We're nice like that.
:::I painted a door in my house yesterday that has been bugging me for years. It looks so much better and even though that task was nothing but a distraction, it was time well spent. I felt so lame when I realized I was leaning against it before the paint was dry. Stink.
:::I had planned to take some items to our school's teacher appreciation luncheon last Thursday. Except the luncheon was on Tuesday. OOPS! They had plenty of food and plenty of help so thankfully I wasn't in the doghouse with anyone.
:::I accidentally found one of my mother's day surprises yesterday...in the REFRIGERATOR. Huh? What? WHY? Evidently someone placed it on the very top and it fell inside when the door opened. I think it's in my best interest to act surprised when I see it again tomorrow.
:::I say "we" a whole lot when I actually mean my husband. Here's an example or two. "We" should really mow the back yard today. "We" should get Jack's nails clipped. "We" need to call about that insurance thing. "We" need to sort that recycling. I think he's on to me because he's started rolling his eyes when I begin sentences with "we".
:::We (not "we") are having friends over for dinner tonight. The last time this bunch of folks joined us, John missed the ENTIRE party because of our dog's unfortunate incident. In what I consider a preemptive move, "we" took Jack for his monthly "massage". Hopefully there will be no dog emergencies (or subsequent vet bills) tonight!
Happy Saturday, peeps.

That last one made me laugh.
I never say "we", because my husband doesn't understand that that really means "you".
Hi Meredith,
I usually lurk, but the 'we' brought me out. I don't remember who it was, but early in our marriage someone told us about the three 'we's. There is 'I/we', 'you/we', and 'we/we'. Now you can still use 'we' and just have to clarify which 'we' you are referring to when he gives you the look. :)
I hope that you have a great rest of your Saturday as well as a WONDERFUL Mother's Day, tomorrow!
My husband is the one who uses "we" in our house. "We" should send an email to so and so (which means I should send the email)..."We" should call....blah blah blah.
Cute post...hope you had a Happy Mother's Day!
At this point, I believe our husbands would truly enjoy a weekend together to compare notes. "We" have had several projects lately. Especially laundry. Sigh.
I'm so glad I married a good man.
"We" (you and me) done good, girl. :)
Funny how you improvised with the T!
So, what was your Mother's Day present hidden in the fridge?
Cute post. That last one made me laugh. Funny how you improvised with the T!
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