We usually play a little game at dinner on Monday nights. Don't ask me why we play on Monday. We don't really plan it, but it just always seems to fall that way. We go around the table and each of us tells the best part of our day, and the worst part of our day.
If you were a guest at our table tonight, you'd have heard me say that the best part of my day was getting to meet my blog friend, Carrie. I found Carrie's blog last summer and she quickly became one of my favorite bloggers. She is so down to earth, and smart, and sweet, and she constantly challenges me to think about being a good steward--of money, posessions, time, our environment, etc. Carrie lives in Iowa, but she's from Colorado. She's been in town visiting her parents for a few days. Her visit was actually a surprise for her dad who ran a 50K race (31 miles) on Saturday. Wow!
I loved visiting with her over lunch at 3Margaritas--my favorite mexican restaurant. It's actually kinda weird (in a good way) to meet a blog friend in real life because you already know so much about them from their blog. Carrie and her husband are in the process of buying their first home, and it was so exciting to hear all the details, and to see God's hand in some of the timing issues. I'm thankful I had the opportunity to spend time with her today!
And...the cool thing is that another one of my blog friends is vacationing in Colorado this week, and I'm hoping to connect with her too! How fun is that??
Oh yeah, the worst part of my day? Probably all the homework we had to tackle tonight, including Will's poster project that we put off all weekend.
I am really looking forward to getting my hair cut tomorrow. I keep looking at my hair in that photo above and thinking that it is SO long. I think I'm going to get my stylist to chop off a couple of inches, but I know I'll miss being able to pull it up in a ponytail.
What a fun day!
Do you get nervous before meeting a blog friend?
Oh how fun it looks to meet bloggy friends! If I'm ever in your area you KNOW I will be stalking you for sure!
hope your haircut is a great experience! it's one of my favorite things to do!
Sounds like such a fun lunch to meet a new friend in person.
Take a picture after you get your haircut. :o)
Have a good day!
You both look lovely!
So glad you had a Monday Funday with Carrie!!
Praying for your haircut to be awesome...
PS Is praying for a haircut hokey? Ask John or Will --hee hee. That post cracked me up!
We play the same dinner game! At our house it's called "two good things, one bad"
Who knows maybe I'll come back to Colorado and you can see me in person again! We haven't seen each other since before we became blog friends. Would that count as meeting a new blog friend even though we've met before? I would love that! David is ready for another trip west.... You never know!
I think your hair looks AWESOME!
I love your hair - but I like it shorter in your profile picture too.
I tagged you at my blog. If you've already partipated, no worries.
HEY! I'm gonna be there in May - I wanna go to Mexican with you, too!!! (*in my best child whiny voice*)
I'm honored to have been the "best part" of your Monday!
Thanks again for a lovely time. I'll be posting my own photo(s) and thoughts in the next couple of days.
Hope you have a FUN Wednesday. It felt weird "celebrating" Earth Day by filling up on gasoline and driving 750 miles!
How fun to meet an "old" friend! This blogging thing opens up all kinds of avenues to meet like-minded ladies!
What fun! I haven't met any of my blog friends yet...Most are so far away.`So glad you got to meet Carrie.
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