Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I'll just hit the highlights...

Wow. Wednesday already, huh?

It's been a busy week. And it's not over yet. Thankfully, next week I get to revert back to my usual non-busy pace. Or at least it will be less busy. I just think that April and May are busy times of the year.

Anyway, enough about my schedule.

Here's some of what we've been up to...

Spring track season started for Will. He's working hard and enjoying himself, and he's been sleeping really well at night. He's pretty tired (and hungry!!!) when he gets home each afternoon!

Sarah tried out today for her school's version of American Idol. She and two friends sang "Fireflies" by Owl City, and they did GREAT! The judges voted to send them on to the next round, and their performance was videotaped for the whole school to see. The students get to see all the performances and vote for their faves. Even if she doesn't win, I'm super duper proud of her. I think it takes a lot of guts (and confidence) to sing in front of people!

Glee!!! It's back!!! There are nine remaining episodes left in the season and the first of those nine premiered last night. My neighbor invited a bunch of us over for a Glee premiere party. We went after we all got our kiddos tucked in, so we wore our pajamas. That's my favorite kind of party! It was SO GOOD and it was very fun to watch it with friends! (Thank you, Heather!!!) (Gosh, this paragraph has lots of exclamation points!)

John's workload has him swamped right now so I let him off the hook for Wedded Wednesday. For those of you that care, we'll be back next week.

I'm trying to stay well. I woke up with a super sore throat and I think my allergies are starting to flare up. Before we moved to Colorado I used to declare that I was allergic to spring because my allergies were SO bad. They're not nearly as bad here, but the wind has been hideous lately, and I think it just blows pollen and other allergens straight into my sinuses. Ugh. I don't have time to be sick this week.

Okay, I've rambled long enough. I got My Big Fat Greek Wedding from today and I want to watch a little bit of it before bed. It's one of my favorite movies ever!

Peace out, peeps.


Stephanie said...

We love Owl Hill at our house. : ) Everytime I hear it I think happy summer music!

I just can't get into Glee. I've watched several episodes and want to like it, but nothin'. Glad you had fun w/ friends though!

Unknown said...

LOVe Big Fat Greek Wedding. Its one of my top 10 faves.

I have also had a horrible allergy season here. But there is, quite literally, pollen hanging in the air, so its no wonder!

I watched Glee yesterday (Tuesday is ladies bibles study night at my church). The Hello songs were so fun, I'd forgotten there were so many! But, for some reason, I didn't like Sue's Vogue song. Maybe I should watch it again to see if its grown on me.

O Mom said...

Love that movie.
I was watching American Idol this week and all of a sudden I said...hey Tim looks like a grown up version of Will! My family had no idea who I was talking about. What do you think? :)

Amber said...

I'm going to pretend that I didn't just read Stephanie's comment about GLEE. I'm sad for her.

But happy for us!!!

Unknown said...

I loved My Big Fat Greek Wedding so much that I had hoped they would do a sequel. BUT, I guess My Big Fat Greek Baby wouldn't be such a hit.
Oh well. Enjoy the movie! And make a bun-nt cake ;)

Rebecca said...

Love Big Fat Greek Wedding AND Glee!

Stephanie Kay said...

Loved the movie. Can't get into Glee. But Love the idea of a pajama party with friends!!

Lauren said...

So much fun stuff going on for ya'll right now. Besides the whole being sick thing. Hope you get to feeling better, girl!!! :)

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Love Big Fat Greek of my favorites...

Cathy said...

Need to watch me that movie again! It's been years!

whimzie said...

We're in the middle of a busy spring around here, too. Why does life speed up right before the end of school every year?

Are you taking your Emergen-C? :) I should preach to myself....but mine is all allergies, I just know it.

Yay, Sarah! She's so brave. I agree. I can talk all day, but singing in front of people? That's terrifying.