10 Things I Did Today
1. Made my daily to-do list. I have a couple more things to cross off but I've had a productive day!
2. Went to TANG. TANG is the name of my moms' group at church. It is such a fun group of friends and I really, really try not to ever miss TANG. One of our pastors facilitates our time together, and today we worked through Psalm 32. It was great even though my pastor "outed" me as a blogger. Hello TANG friends!!!
3. Worked out. On our lonely-but-trusty-and-very-much-in-need-of-a-good-cleaning- treadmill.

John brought his laptop and after we ate we did a little surfing, made some final decisions, and...............................................My treadmill says I burned 368 calories which I'm sure I promptly regained when I ate one of Julie's cookies at TANG. They were iced sugar cookies (in the shape of shamrocks) and she gave me the recipe which I'm thinking about sharing with y'all since they were the BEST sugar cookies I've ever tasted in my life.
4. Met John for lunch. At Panera. It was nice to spend some time catching up after being gone all weekend.
5. WE BOOKED OUR ANNIVERSARY TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am super excited about it (as if the exclamation points didn't tell you that).
6. I ran by REI after lunch because Abbey has one of these water bottles and she bit a hole in the valve. I bought the replacement kit because the sales guy assured me it was the right one and that it would fit. It doesn't. I checked the manufacturer website and they don't even make the piece we need to fix the problem. Grrrrrrrr.
7. Called my friend, Debbie. We usually hike (with two other friends) on Wednesdays but the weather looks crummy tomorrow so we made a contingency plan. The contingency plan is that if it's snowing (or cold, or windy, or precipitating at all) we're not hiking. I'm praying for sunshine because I love and need my Wednesday afternoon hikes.
8. I contemplated driving my van through the carwash. It is beyond filthy but we're supposed to get more snow so I'm going to just let it stay dirty for a while longer. Sigh.
9. Imported two new cds into my computer. This one was in my "treat bag" from last weekend's scrapbooking retreat. I had a few of her songs already on my iPod, but the rest of the cd is fantastic. John's boss (who passes on some great music! Thank you, Mr. P!) sent this cd home with J yesterday. I haven't had a ton of time to listen to it, but so far I'm enjoying it.
10. Watched American Idol for the first time in a really long time. When did Paula leave? Is Ellen her replacement? Wow. Am I out of the loop or what?
Okay, now it's your turn. If you want to join the fun, post a list of ten things (anything you choose) on your blog and then link up here.
See?? I told you I was excited about this month's 10 on the tenth! I had fun planning my wish list for a trip.
I love how God is filling your life with such wonderful and joyful things, friend. it makes me really happy for you!!
I feel a head of schedule doing the 10 on the 10th on the 9th...hmmm...I wonder where you are going on your trip. I'm excited to hear about it.
Yeah...good call, leaving the car dirty for a bit. Winters in CO are not easy on those who lurve a tidy, shiny car. Glad for your lunch date & your trip!!! I think we're either going to Whidbey for a weekend, or Victoria(for our anniversary). Short & sweet, but NO kids! Yay!
Can't wait to see the sugar cookie recipe!!! Sounds delicious!!!
Many Blessings,
Hey, I recognize that Panera! =)
Hope you get to hike. It's rainy here all week, but at least it's not SNOW!
I can't remember the last time I watched American Idol. I can't do the audition portion of the show at all (drives me bonkers). So excited about your trip - that sounds great!
Paula just left this season and yes, Ellen replaced her. So far, I haven't missed Miss Crazy Paula. :)
Can't wait to hear where you're going for your anniversary!!
I'm so excited for you!!! Where are you going and when? I'll bet you've started a countdown already.
And yes, Ellen is Paula's replacement on AI. I don't think she'll last. Heck, I don't think the show will last year after Simon leaves next year.
And I've said it before, but I {heart} your handwriting.
Happy 10th, Mer!
I so want to wash my car too, but the roads are still icky here so why bother yet.
Gotta love a good list- with sharpie marks on it!!
I love Panera Bread...the closest one is probably 2 hours away!! HA!
Can't wait to hear about Anniversary plans!!!!! HAPPY for YOU!!!
Cannot believe you are going to get MORE SNOW...it was 79 degrees here yesterday!! Spring is coming my friend- don't worry!!
Hope your hike works out and I would LOVE the sugar cookie recipe...I'm looking for a new one.
Busy day--where are you going?! :)
A car wash is a rarity when you live in the mountains. Soon enough you will get to spray it off. My white car is brown. It always looks like I got a new car in the summer.
Fun 10 on the 10th!
Last year my Teen/Adult ballet class danced to her Perfect Peace, for the end of the year recital. We were the women on the Ark from the theme, Noah's Ark and our sweet class had two of our own find they had breast cancer...there was nothing sweeter than when they gathered together and prayed before they performed and it meant so much...
On a different note, I love your 10 on the 10th, actually, Mer, I love you as a blogger! I relate to you and wish we were IRL friends for a cup of coffee often, you are a treasure!
I will consider it a personal affront if you don't post the cookie recipe because next to Snickerdoodles, sugar cookies are my favorite :)
Ok, I have to know...what does TANG stand for...my girlfriends use that phrase and for us it means "Things Are Not Good"...translation: I need you now!
I'm also planning a trip for hubby and I! He's coming home on leave in May for Mal's graduation and we're going to have some mommy/daddy time! :)
What a fun idea for a link-up. I enjoyed reading yours :)
I found your blog through Angie O. (I went to CU with her & Gary and volunteered in Gary's youth group when I was in college). Your blog makes me miss Colorado..but I am in Cali, so I can't complain too much :) I participate in something similar called 10 on 10 (it is taking 10 pictures once an hour on the 10th of each month). Love your 10 on the 10th list (and your handwriting!)
Hi! I just happened upon you via someone, not sure who to tell you the truth. One of those jumpy bloggy moments! So glad I did. I see we have hiking and Jesus in common, and possibly much more. I'll be back. Just wanted you to know. I prefer not to be a lurker, but a true follower and friend!
I think your handwriting is so beautiful. (i think that every time you post a list)
And Panera is one of my fave places to have a breakfast or lunch date with my man.
You would die if you say the outside of my white mini-van right now.
I'm backposting all the posts that I couldn't get up because of a computer crash... that's why I'm SO late. thanks for this idea, I think it's fun :)
amy in peru
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