It's been a long and busy week, and I'm very ready for Friday. How about you?
Thank you so much for your feedback regarding the blogs you read. Very insightful stuff. A couple of you asked how I would answer those questions...and I would love to tell you.
What draws me into a blog and keeps me coming back for more?
I tend to be drawn to blogs written by people "like me". I'm a full-time wife and mom, and home and family mean the world to me. I think I just naturally gravitate towards those kind of blogs. What keeps me coming back is honesty, authenticity, humor, and good writing. If I sense the writer isn't honest and writes from a "happy, happy, joyful, joyful" place all the time, then I move on. Because, really, whose life is happy and joyful 100% of the time? I want to know what makes you sad, mad, and glad. What moves you, what thrills you, what disappoints you, what kind of ups and downs are you going through? That kind of stuff is real and compelling. I'm also drawn to catchy blog titles, clean design, and a good mix of text/photos!
What turns me off? Ready for this? I avoid blogs with bad grammar, bad writing, music/playlists, unappealing graphics or blog design, too much "clutter" on the blog, not enough pictures, long paragraphs, multiple posts per day (I'm okay with 1-2, but I used to read a blog where the owner posted 5-6 times a day!). I also tend to avoid blogs that are political (does that ever end well?), and preachy (who likes to be told how to vote or how to think?) I loved the comment about blogs that are "churchy" and "plastic", and yeah, I'd agree that's a big turn-off. I also tend to avoid devotional blogs. I think some people are able to do that well, but most of them tend to get a little too preachy and plastic for me. Another huge turn off for me--husband bashing. I just can't hang with that.
I guess I'm just a tad opinionated, huh? Now, just because you might have music on your blog, or you talk about politics from time to time doesn't mean I don't love you or your blog. Please don't even go there. I'm just continuing the conversation that I invited you into.
Now also seems like a good time to acknowledge a blog award that Elizabeth gave me last month. She *hearts* my blog.

How fun is that? Thank you Elizabeth! Elizabeth was also the first to correctly guess that I'm going to Arkansas at the end of the month. I'm going to spend the weekend with my dad's side of my family and the highlight of the weekend is the Razorback game! Like me, Elizabeth grew up in Arkansas, and so I'm happy to send her a little souvenir from my trip. There was a sea of burnt orange in her house when the Hogs played UT, so Elizabeth, I'll remedy that for you, okay? *smile*
In the spirit of the blog award, I want to pass it on to some of my favorite bloggers.
1. Kellie at La Vida Dulce
2. Moriah at Please the Salt
3. Angie at Flibbertigibberish
4. Kelly at Love Well
Happy Thursday, ya'll! (I'm practicing my ya'll for my trip to Arkansas!)
Thank you so much! I wish I had given you this award first. Cuz I heart your blog too.
And I am with you on every blog likes/dislikes point. Those are the exact reasons I read a blog too.
I am also with you on that whole "is it Friday" feeling...Only a few hours left!
And I heart you, too.
I'll have to check these bloggers out. :)
Loved your thoughtful answer, Mer. Is it Friday yet?
Your answers echo what mine would have been pretty well. Most of my favorites are also people I know/have known in "real life," too. And emphasing TOO *many* "words" turns me off. ;)
I am with you on the dislikes. I want genuine people with real life joys and troubles.
Lisa Q
Hey, Meredith! Sorry I haven't commented in a while, I had a death in my family and there was chaos for a while!
I'm glad you're coming back to Arkansas for the weekend, the weather should be beautiful! Hope you enjoy it and have a great safe trip! Take care from one fellow Arkansan to another (former) Arkansan!
I agree 100% with all of your answers! I have to connect with a blog which means the people are usually in the same stage of life I am in, or have already been there and I can glean from their wisdom.
By the way ... I had no idea you had been updating your blog. You're not updating in my bloglines! I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but I just checked this morning on a whim to see if something was wrong and I have missed a lot!
Great insight! We share many of the same sentiments on what makes a blog "revisitable" (is that a word?)
I Love your blog...and how exciting to be coming home to Arkansas. Hopefully the Hogs will play a good game that weekend...not been doing too well lately :(
If you get close to NE Arkansas, let me know...maybe we could grab some dessert and a chat.
Have a great weekend!!
I am with you on the platstic blogs ;)! I just like to read about people in the realness of their lives at that moment!
I have a feeling we read a lot of the same blogs! I totally agree with your likes and dislikes.
I thought I was the only one who disliked music on blogs! I usually play music via the laptop all day long, so when I click on a site and out something else blares--I usually close the site. What's with the music player at the END of the entire page?! Maybe it's also because I can usually only look at blogs when the boys are sleeping...
That said, I think there are two blogs whose music I actually like to go to and listen to. Oh well!
Have a great weekend!
Thank you, Mer. What a sweet award. I'll display it proudly.
Plus, I'm so thankful for your e-mail, because it helped me realize that your blog was one of many that Bloglines hadn't updated in DAYS! So thanks to your note, I came here last night and read to my heart's content.
We're in Arkansas this weekend for homecoming at JBU. We drove by the gas station/health food store in Rogers and I thought of you. I know you loved it!
I need some Razorback gear in my house. Unlike the rest of my family, I am not a fan of the orange!
Another reason I connected with you - honesty. I enjoyed readign your answers.
When do you leave for the game?
ConGRatULatiONs on your award! I heart your blog, too!! Love this whole topic about the likes and dislikes of blogs. Your opinions are spot on and I so enjoyed reading them. Bad grammar and misspelled words really irk me.
Oh YAY! Thanks, Mer! I'm doing some serious catching up, and I'm so glad I didn't skip over this. I'm honored! I *heart* your blog too. I'm so glad to know you... in bloggy land AND real life.
We're birds of a feather - we're drawn to the same types of blogs. In fact, I need to peruse your list and add a few more to my growing list! (Like I need to ADD anymore! Sheesh!)
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