John and I leave for Seattle bright and early tomorrow. I have SO much to do and I'm feeling very scattered this week (as evidenced by this post).
I'm NOT at all excited about our weather this week. It's not feeling very spring-y, and I just heard a forecast for snow. A LOT of snow. (It won't affect me this week but it might present a problem getting home from my trip!)
Gretchen asked me how I was able to use circles and rectangles to edit my photos in this post. The answer is Picnik. Kelly blogged about it last year and I've been a fan ever since. It's an online photo editing site. Very easy to use, very fun, and very FREE! Check it out.
(I just uploaded this photo, added the text, changed it to sepia, and fixed the red eye/pet eye in less than five!)

I just found this new coffee creamer that I love more than all the others I've tried (thanks, Dana). SO good. Makes me want to make a pot of coffee every afternoon. I usually need it to get me through the afternoon...for some reason I get so tired around 2:30pm every day.
We disconnected our home phone last week and we're completely cellular now. If you call me regularly, you might want to try my cell from now on. I still haven't sent a mass email letting people know. My house was so quiet last week that I'm debating whether to give my cell number to anyone other than close friends. Hmmmmm...
I'm still not completely used to not having a home phone though. I keep checking messages when I walk in the door, and I was out running errands on Saturday and called John to ask him a question. Out of habit, I dialed my home phone. DUH! Some habits are hard to break.
I've been letting my hair go curly lately. Sunday was the first time in a week that I used my flat iron. I still prefer it straight, but it's been nice to have options. And fun to get compliments on my curls/waves. One of the girls in our Brownie troop didn't even recognize me (or so she says) because my hair was different. That made me laugh.
I've been drooling over my friend Shannan's gorgeous handwriting lately. Ya'll...she is seriously talented. I treasure all the recipe cards she's written out for me over the years, and her Christmas card is one I look forward to receiving the most! I always keep the envelope visible so I can study her writing, but there is only one Shannan. She's amazing.
So jealous that two of my blogging friends get to meet in real life this week. I went to college with CarpoolQueen and Kellie and I "met" through our blogs. I was feeling all bummed about missing out on their fun until I remembered that I'm going to meet Gretchen this week. I am so jazzed! I'm also going to be the first one in my family to meet my new baby cousin!
My kids have been sleeping together for the last five nights. It's so sweet. They lay their sleeping bags in a row in the girls' bedroom floor and talk and giggle before falling asleep. It is music to this mama's ears. I love it so much when they enjoy each other.
I have a few posts scheduled while I'm gone. Nothing heavy...just some fun, happy stuff. Hope you have a fun week too!
LOVE random. I think it's my second language!
I'm glad Gretchen asked about the circles and rectangles. I was going to ask but thought you might think you were "taking me to raise," as my mom would say. What with the recipes I steal and the scrapping advice, etc. Can't wait to go on a Picknik!........Don't you know how food suggestible I am?! Now I'm on a quest for the creamer........We need a picture of the curly hair, please..........I'm so excited for all the IRL that is happening this week! Wish I could get in on some of that action! :( Somebody just come on over!!......Have a GREAT time this week! We'll miss you, but can't wait to hear about your trip when you get back!!!
Random is good. And that calligraphy is beautiful ... I used to do calligraphy but nothing like that. Wow.
Hope you have a wonderful trip!
You have curly hair today...I have hair that looks like I stuck my finger in a light socket.
I'm REALLY excited about meeting Kellie. And as excited that you and Gretchen are getting to hang out!! I think I've said that in every comment this week.
I'm thinking of going all cellular as well. I get so few calls at home. And I'm not much of a "talk on the phone" kind of person anyway.
Have a great week - looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back.
Random is my middle name!
So very excited for you and Gretchen. I am hoping that one day we'll get to post about our meeting!!!
Love that your kids are enjoying each and spring break...
Love that you shared that website...can't wait to try it!
Girl, you are handwriting is top notch...
I love that creamer too it's only second to "southern butter pecan"!
I've thought about the cell "thing"...still debating...are you "in"??!! ;)
I drool over Shannan's handwriting minutely. And you are right....only one Shannan.
Hope you have an amazing trip! Y'all are going to have a blast!!
Oh, how I roll with random...
2 more days!
Have to try me some o' that creamer.
Thanks for the picture info. Too cool. And free? What's not to lurve.
My handwriting looks like that of a convicted felon. But I'm glad there are the Mers and Shannans out there to make us feel something which to aspire.
I t.h.i.n.k. Thursday is supposed to be an okay day. Little if any rain. Yay
Have fun on your trip!
I would love to have to option of either curly or straight. I think you look good both ways.
I also LOVE picnik!
Random is fun. :)
Have a great trip! Wave at Seattle Grace for me. (Do you watch Grey's?)
Random is always good!!!
I hope that you and John have a FANTASIC time in Seattle :)!
Yay - on the curly hair. I gave up on trying to straighten mine. It was just too much work and way to hard on this "curly girl".
Have a great time with your hubby on your trip!!
i can't wait to check out picnik!
how much snow? i haven't watched the news..i'm going to the store when little one's naptime is over to stock up (i'll be getting stuff to make that adobo chicken cream bowtie dish yum! your hair is cute wavy! and straight! afternoon is my down time too, i ordered this vitamin stuff (super foods plus by dr schulze) that i use for a pick up in the afternoon. good job on the phone! i'm going to check out a headset for skype today. oh btw thanx for the motivation, the kids helped me get their last couple years' worth of photos in the album this morning! i kept saying in my head, finished is better than perfect! gosh, this is way more than a comment. i just like you and can talk to you for hours. :)
Thanks bunches for the link to picnik. I just had to test it out. It looks like I'll need to set aside a large block of time to play with this one. I enjoy reading your blog.
Do you use Storybook Plus? I'll have to check out that Picnick site. Looks neat!
Have a great time in Seattle!
I love all the randomness! I hope you guys have a great trip! Enjoy meeting Gretchen and enjoy being with your hubby.
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