Moving on...
We are a family of readers. All of us love to read. Abbey can't actually read, but she loves to be read to and there are four of us who indulge her on a daily basis. I'm actually thinking of teacher her to read this summer. She's seems ready and eager, so I put an instructional book on hold at the library and as soon as it's available, we're going to dig in. Wish me luck.
Last night I finished reading The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. It was fantastic. It's been on my "want to read" list for ages and I finally got around to it. I'd highly recommend it. The story follows the Price family from Bethlehem, Georgia into the Belgian Congo of Africa where they are missionaries to the Congolese people. It's the story of things lost, and found during their years in Africa and beyond. I absolutely loved it and am sad that I waited so many years before reading it. It will definitely find a place in my top 5 favorite books of all time. My current favorite of all-time is Peace Like a River, by Leif Enger. If you haven't read it, please, please do. It is a beautiful story and the writing is superb. As with The Poisonwood Bible, I cried when I finished reading it. Not because the ending was sad, but because I just hated for such a good read to come to an end.

I have a bajillion books I'm want to read this summer, but next up are: Plainsong by Kent Haruf and Gilead by Marilynne Robinson. As soon as I get my "chores" finished up this morning, I'm going to crack open the cover and dive into one of the two above.
Happy Friday to you!
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