Here's the deal:
If you want to play, leave a comment on this post letting me know, and I’ll assign you a letter. You write about ten things you love that begin with your assigned letter, and post it at your place. When people comment on your list, you give them a letter, and the chain continues on and on...
Gretchen gave me the letter "G".
If you want to play, leave a comment on this post letting me know, and I’ll assign you a letter. You write about ten things you love that begin with your assigned letter, and post it at your place. When people comment on your list, you give them a letter, and the chain continues on and on...
Gretchen gave me the letter "G".
2. Girls' Night Out! It's even better when it's with my Summit Sisters!
3. Google! I love so many of the Google apps, but Gmail is my favorite! Not loving Google reader so much these days because it always reminds me how behind I am on blog reading. Just so you know--I have too many unread posts in my reader. Again.
4. Grosgrain ribbon. I seem to have a fetish for it. I have crazy amounts of ribbon--mostly grosgrain. Stripes, gingham, polka dots, and solids. I use it for lots of things and it just makes me happy.
5. Green. I love almost every shade but apple green is my favorite. Olive green would be a close second.

5. Green. I love almost every shade but apple green is my favorite. Olive green would be a close second.
I found this piece of wallpaper the other day when I was cleaning out a closet. It's from my kitchen in Arkadelphia, and I still adore it--such lovely shades of green!
6. Gifts. I really enjoy giving them, though receiving them is fun too!
7. Gingerbread coffee from Trader Joe's. This can was a gift from my friend, Jamie. It is SO good. (I have an unhealthy obsession with TJ's these days.) The smell is heavenly. Aromatherapy in a can.
8. Gretchen. I was so disappointed that I didn't get to meet her when she and her family were here in November. One of these days, friend, one of these days...
9. Games. Our family loves games. We've played lots of Uno and Set lately, but I'm a big fan of Blokus, Scattergories, A-Z, Outburst, Catchphrase, and Cadoo. Oh, and Yahtzee. (And about a dozen or so more.)
10. Granola. Yeah, I'm one of those crunchy, Colorado health nuts.
(Yes, I'm aware that I left God off of my list. I thought you guys would understand that He's a given.)
Let me know if you want to play along and I'll assign a letter to you! (If you comment and don't hear back from me in your inbox...check the comments on this post. I STILL can't reply to some of you directly because your email isn't linked to your Blogger profile). (Ya'll are going to make me start naming names, aren't you?) *wink wink*
Fun! I'll play! (please don't give me Q or Z!! haha)
Oh, I want to play! Give me any letter you want except Q or Z like Betsy said:)
I logged in with the wrong account up above. I fixed it!
Ditto what Elizabeth and Betsy said. No x-z for me, please.
I'll play..........thanks!
This is so fun. Tiffani did it too, and she assigned me a letter. I need to get right on it and blog about it . . . maybe today? Always so fun to learn more about you!
Cool idea! I'll play!
I'll play too, along with the no Q or Z request, lol.
I love the gingerbread coffee too!
Linsdsay... F
Heather... H
If you hate those letters, you're free to change. I'm not a legalist.
guacamole... yum!!!
I'm too food-centric as well. Tag me. And I finally got a google account... I'm the one formerly known as carpoolqueen.
I'd love to play along! Give me an easy letter though! Hee, Hee!
I love to play these little games!! Easy letter, puh-leez!!
I love grosgrain ribbon, too!! It is my favorite!! I think it is because it is so preppy that.
Oh this was so fun to read!! I love lots of the same "g" things!! Green and granola and google are probablay my faves from your list! :)
I did this last week too, Gretch gave me "B" and how nice of your hubby to visit my blog the day I write something about a bra!!! nice. :)
Again, feel free to change if those letters aren't working for ya!
I'll play!
By the the comment I left on Amber's blog after your comment.
I want to play a game! Lay a letter on me, Mer! (edith, in case you don't like to be called "Mer").
I hope I'm not one of the ones you're winking at but I'm not sure.
I'm so glad you like the coffee! And just think, a whole can for the price of 2 Starbucks lattes!
It has such a good flavor, I usually just drink it w/half and half and not flavored creamer.
Ok, no more talk of TJ's. It's sending me to a bad place.
You made it look easy, peasy, lemon squeazy, Mer. And you were ever so sweet to make me a list item. I wouldn't have thought of that. :)
And BTW: lurrve TJs coffee and guac, and grosgrain ribbon.
i'll play too
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