What brand of toilet paper do you buy?
Currently, I have three different kinds in my house--none of which are the kind I normally buy.
I usually buy Angel Soft.
For years I bought nothing but Cottonelle, but when we moved to this house I had problems with it clogging the toilet in the kids' bathroom because let me tell you my kids are very liberal with the toilet tissue.
Not long ago I bought Scott's and my kids wailed and whined about it. I distinctly remember hearing someone yell from the bathroom, "Hey, what's up with this scratchy toilet paper"? They hated it, and honestly, so did I. Still haven't used up the last of that package either. Sometimes I'll sneak it on the roll, and some sneaky person will replace it with the cushy stuff. But I can't bear to throw it away.
I sometimes buy Quilted Northern and that's what I have now because it was on sale and I had a coupon.
Anyway, I'm curious about your toilet paper preference. Tell me please.
*I just told John that this entire post is about toilet paper. His reaction has me second-guessing my question, but I'm leaving it up because I REALLY want to know if you have strong opinions about this!*
UPDATED--I think I need to check out Kirkland's toilet paper. I also wish you could have seen my husband's face this morning when I told him that I had 14 comments on my toilet paper post. There may or may not have been some rolling of his eyes. *smile*
Cottonelle...I think it's the best quality for the best price. And I like the cute Golden Retriever puppy on the package.
I am laughing so hard about the scratchy toilet paper!!! We use Scotts, because we have had toilet issues and that is what the plummer recommended! But there are so many times when I think it is sad that the toilet paper at Target is softer than the toilet paper in our home. Go figure.
Quilted Northern...and I definitely think it's worth it. :)
John's reaction must have been similar to Mike's when I posted the picture of my toothbrush in the toilet. hee hee
Whatever is the cheapest or on sale. But, I do have my limits. I sort of look and squeeze (and feel if there's a package already open, ahem) and it has to be clothy, not papery.
My mom ALWAYS buys Charmin. But she always told us to just use ____ squares b/c it was so thick.
Oh yeah, very important in our house. We buy the Kirkland brand from Costco - 2 ply and extra soft.
A few months ago we switched to the enviro-friendly brand. Nothing quite like wiping with tree bark. We still have about 12 rolls left and can't bring ourselves to use it. It's awful.
IMHO, it doesn't pay to be green or cheap with your tp.
OK , I use Scott because it lasts a long time and is septic tank friendly. (Country folks know about that) When my son was home, he called it John Wayne toilet paper. Figure that out?
Sorry to be anonymous. I hit the wrong key, and I don't know how to delete the comment.
Costco's Kirkland brand. Actually, sometimes I go to the store in Kirkland to buy it. :) If you have an extra wing on your house to store the multiple, multiple rolls, it's not bad. We try to squirrel it away in this cubby or that. Because...nothing's worse than running out of tp. Not even John Wayne tp. LOL
I use Scott because it lasts so long.
I'd rather use Cottonelle but it doesn't last nearly as long as Scott.
Although, Scott has went up in price about $2 for the 12-roll package in just the last couple of months....
We like Costco's Kirkland brand. A few weeks back Charmin was on sale so I picked some up. I guess we didn't realize how much thicker it was than we were used to and I can't tell you how many clogged toilet issues we had while we used it. :) So now we're back to Kirkland. I also like Angel Soft.
Charmin. It's what my parents used. I tend to be brand loyal 'cause I'm really lazy!
Costco brand....
But, we do have a package of the soft Cottonelle kind, Which is incredibly soft!
I did try to to buy the generic paper once. You know, a bagillion sq.ft. of TP, that feels like sand paper (even though it's so think you could read through it). It only set me back about $2.99, but yikes!
I'll never do THAT again!
We buy the Sam's brand. It's a lot like the new soft Scott's brand. I go for the rolls that last the longest!
When I buy it, it's the Costco brand. When Toben buys it, it's the expensive stuff.
The girls don't seem to care one way or the other!
(I will admit, the expensive kind IS nicer, but I'm too cheap when it just gets flushed!)
We use Scott's because we have a septic tank. My middle child swears the regular Scott's is 1/2 ply!
Lisa Q
We use Angel Soft, love it, if we had to use another brand I'd go for Northern.
Wow...obviously, I need to try the Kirkland's brand...it's getting rave reviews here!
I buy Angel Soft or the store brand...same as you, if I have a coupon, I'll buy something "faincier" (love the south)...
My Nana SWORE by Scott's and each time I see it I think of her...that's crazy!
Angel Soft for years but recently switched to Cottonelle. When I have a coupon I can get it free at Kroger.
Kirkland. It's soft enough but not clogging and the roll lasts forever.
We are a Charmin only family!
I'll have to try the Costco stuff when we run out of our stockpile. I usually buy Scott Extra Soft b/c I get it when it is 10/$10 at Albertsons and then have coupons so only pay 50c for a 4 roll package and it is soft, though not as soft as cottonelle.
I like the thick ones like cottonelle, charmin and quilted northern. QN is my favorite, but that's mostly because I can buy it in the ginourmous packs at our local Sam's Club. TP is something I will never, ever run out of. I actually have a post in my drafts about this, and the same QOTD -- oops! I had to make a middle of the night run to the store with my roommate once many moons ago, because she RAN OUT of TP. How do you run out? :)
Oh, and the one I dislike is Scott's. My MIL buys it and it feels like sandpaper to me!
Scott's. My sister calls it sandpaper. I call it the "won't back up on you and flood your basement with sewage because it's too thick" and yes I speak from experience!!! Ick-o!!
scotts. which actually is very soft in comparison to the "purple crepe paper" kind used during our missionary years in congo.
We like Charmin Ultra. I experimented one time and bought Charmin Ultra Strong. BIG MISTAKE. Emma makes it very clear each time she sees it at the store that she did NOT like Ultra Strong. She even told the bears in the commercial one time that she doesn't like their Ultra Strong TP. Emma gets pretty fired up about stuff. ;)
(P.S. If I had a Costco membership, I'd probably buy Kirkland... my MIL gets it and I like that kind.)
Boy am I behind! I am going to start now but may have to walk away to put kids in bed.
This is forever ago but I thought I would give my 2 cents. We always use Angel Soft because it is usually the cheapest. I have my limits I will not do one ply! But last week I had a coupon for Quilted Northern. I have to say we like Angel Soft better.
I am going to have check out Kirklands at Costco! Thanks for the questions of the week - I learn so much.
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